We're different, and that's why people love us.
In a country where the typical vacation itinerary is to head straight for a beach resort and spend the entire trip relaxing in the same place, we've made many of our guests very happy by tiring them out. We appreciate rest and relaxation as much the next person, but with so much to see and experience in the Philippines, it's against our principles to let our guests spend consecutive days simply lazing on the beach. We've dedicated ourselves to showing our guests as much of the country's best as their time will allow. Tired faces with big smiles are our typical indicators of a successful trip.
Our idea of the best of the Philippines is also different. We steer clear of crowds, big resorts, tour buses, and all other representations of mass tourism. We go to lesser known destinations – places that even most Filipinos don't know about. The raw beauty of these places is staggering, and the emotions that they inspire are indescribable. We also go to the country's classic wonders, but we experience them in a more authentic and in-depth fashion than most tourists do. For example, instead of simply looking at the Banaue Rice Terraces from a view deck, we hike into the mountains, walk amidst the rice paddies and spend the night at the local village. By exploring new destinations and embracing unique adventures, we let people discover the best of the country, and often, the best in themselves.
Finally, the members of our team are not typical people. Not that we're weird (although some may argue that), but we are different because we have chosen the alternative lifestyle necessary to work with this company. We come from various backgrounds (biology, engineering and military to name a few) and are brought together by our common passion for low-impact travel and outdoor adventure. We pride ourselves not only for our competence and professionalism, but also for our non-conformance to convention.
We invite you to travel with us and experience a wonderfully different adventure.