Diving the Philippines? Discover a jewel of marine biodiversity
There's a reason why a diving trip in the Philippines is on every diver's bucket list. Although there are many dive sites around the world that offer breathtaking marine life, diving in the Philippines elevates the underwater experience to a whole new level.
Getting Hitched? Check out These Filipino Honeymoon Trip Ideas
One of the best parts about getting married is the fun and exotic honeymoon that follows the wedding. Thoughts of long summer days with beachy bliss epitomize many couples’ dream vacation. But where to start? The Philippines of course! So after you’ve walked down the aisle and dropped off the wedding presents at home, jump on a plane and live out one of these Filipino honeymoon fantasy vacations.
The Top Three Reasons Why You Need To Customize Your Philippine Vacation
When you’re traveling solo to the Philippines, it’s nice to join a group tour to make new friends and form lasting bonds with fellow traveling nomads. But when you’re traveling with a partner, with family or you’re a newly married couple, it might be best to book a custom trip so that you can tailor your trip to your specific needs and wants.
Cordillera: The most intimate encounter in the Philippines
The adventure was magical from the start. We awoke surrounded by mountains covered with a fine layer of mist, on one side the moon as a witness and on the other the sun slowly rising to light up a new day. In so little time from leaving Banaue I was amidst the most beautiful landscape: rice terraces, shining under the sun, within green mountains that seemingly had no end.
Top 6 de comidas exóticas en el menú de Uncharted Philippines
La inmersión cultural es una parte importante de todas las aventuras de Uncharted Philippines. Y ya que la comida es una de las manifestaciones culturales más importantes, consideramos que es nuestro deber darle a nuestros clientes una verdadera aventura culinaria. A continuación se encuentran los mejores 6 platos de nuestro menú de aventura.
Babuyan Islands: Reconned
After two trip postponements due to bad weather, the Uncharted Philippines Adventure Team finally pushes through with its reconnaissance of the Babuyan Islands. These are the daily accounts of our (mis)adventures.
Palawan: La mejor combinación entre la aventura y el placer
"Me gustan las playas; pero si me dan a escoger entre éstas y las montañas, me quedo con las montañas". Esa era mi forma de pensar antes de conocer Palawan. Ahora sé que hay un lugar donde estar al lado del mar no implica solamente tomar el sol y descansar.
Lubang: Una isla de sorpresas
Las playas de la isla de Lubang fueron asombrosas. Si, sus arrecifes de coral fueron buenos para practicar buceo libre, pero si hubiera mantenido mi cabeza fuera del agua, me hubiera sentido pleno. El paisaje formado por rocas y acantilados que contrastan con la arena fue espectacular. Explore formaciones de roca y descubrí cuevas formadas por los golpes de las olas y piscinas ocultas llenas de peces coloridos. Una vez más me pregunté – encantado - cómo un lugar así puede ser tan desconocido.
Babuyan Islands recon: Take two
This is THE Uncharted adventure. We need to do explore this place NOW. The Babuyan Islands, unglamorously named as they are (babuyan is Tagalog for piggery), will be Uncharted Philippines's feature adventure.