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Échappez à Manille pour une journée et satisfaites votre envie pour l'escalade sur les routes calcaire de 12 à 24 mètres de hauteur et avec les niveau de difficulté de 5a à 7b.


Though not exactly near Manila – it is a good 5 hours away – Atimonan is the climbing destination of choice for Manila-based climbers because of its quality climbs, scenic surroundings and excellently maintained routes. Most of the routes are bolted and sport climbing is the norm, though a few trad routes can also be found. The climbing in general demands technique more than power, with no severe overhangs but with few jugs. The majority of the routes are face climbs, with a couple of crack climbs and one very enjoyable arête

Places d'intérêt et activités

  • Climb on clean, solid limestone.
  • Kick back and enjoy the fresh air and rural scenery.
  • escaladeescalade


  1. To and back from Atimonan

    Jour 1: To and back from Atimonan

    We do an alpine start and take a bus from Manila at 3:00AM (we can start later if you want, but leaving this early will make the most out of your climbing day). This gets us to Atimonan at around 8:00AM and a 15-minute hike brings us to our first crag. After a quick review of climbing safety and procedures we start scaling the 80 foot wall. Ten bolted sport routes are on this wall, ranging from 5.7 to 5.12a (French 5a to 7a+). We take a break for lunch and in the afternoon have the option of returning to the same wall or taking a crack at any of 3 other walls. At around 4:00PM we start packing our gear and catch a bus back to Manila.

Safe climbing is 100% weather dependent and we will not climb in the rain. Although the rainy season in the Philippines is from July to October, rain can occur in any month. We will inform you of the weather forecast for your chosen climbing day and you may decide to postpone or cancel your trip up until 12PM of the previous day. Should you choose to cancel your trip due to weather, your payment will be refunded in full, less applicable credit card charges.


This adventure is offered from November to June. Contactez-nous pour planifier votre Tour Privée.


USD 150,00 par personne


  • Transportation from Manila to Atimonan and back.
  • Lunch.
  • Group equipment (rope and quickdraws).
  • Climbing guide.


  • Personal equipment (harness, rock shoes and belay device).
  • Food and drink other than lunch.


  • Though we gladly accommodate novice climbers, this trip is not meant for complete beginners. Your climbing guide will be happy to lead all the routes if you don't want to do any leading, but at least one person in your group must know how to belay a leader from his/her harness.
  • Safe climbing is 100% weather dependent and we will not climb in the rain. Although the rainy season in the Philippines is from July to October, rain can occur in any month. We will inform you of the weather forecast for your chosen climbing day and you may decide to postpone or cancel your trip up until 12:00PM of the previous day. Should you choose to cancel your trip due to weather, your payment will be refunded in full, less applicable credit card charges.
  • Vaccination contre la fièvre jaune est obligatoire pour entrer aux Philippines si vous venez d'un pays infectés de fièvre jaune&nbsap;; si vous n'êtes pas, cette vaccination est pas nécessaire. Les vaccinations suivantes sont recommandées :
    • Hépatite A et B
    • Typhoïde
    • Encéphalite japonaise
    • Rougeole, oreillons, rubéole

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