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Connaissez la plongée dans la destination plongée le plus populaire aux Philippines. Voir la vie marine riche et colorée, seulement quelques heures de route de Manille. Aucune expérience de plongée préalable nécessaire.


The Philippines is one of the world's best diving destinations, and divers come from far and wide to marvel at the country's marine life. Of all the great things to do in the country, diving may be the #1 thing to do – visiting the Philippines without seeing its underwater wonders is like visiting Brazil without seeing the Amazon.

But you don't know how to dive and don't have a scuba certification (license). Perfect! This day tour is designed for people who DO NOT know how to dive. Diving independently requires lessons, training and a certification from a registered diving agency. What we do on this tour, however, is an introductory dive (also referred to as a discovery dive or a resort dive) and the participant does not dive independently. A diving professional manages the person's scuba equipment and controls where and how deep he/she goes. Mostly the participant just breathes and enjoys the underwater scenery. (Visit this tour's gallery to see what an introductory dive is like.)

This tour lets you experience one of the best activities that the Philippines has to offer and opens a whole new world to your terrestrial eyes.

Places d'intérêt et activités

  • Experience scuba diving in one of the country's best marine sanctuaries.
  • Discover a whole new world full of nudibranchs, feather stars, sea squirts and other creatures you have never seen or heard of.
  • Go snorkeling after your introductory dive.
  • plongéeplongée
  • snorkelingsnorkeling


  1. Discover the underwater world

    Jour 1: Discover the underwater world

    You leave Manila early in the morning and drive 2.5 hours to Anilao. In Anilao, a Dive Master will give you a 30-minute briefing on how all the equipment works and teaches you how to do the few things that you need to do yourself, such as breathe with the regulator and equalize your ears. After the briefing, your Dive Master will help you put on your scuba gear, and then you will practice breathing in shallow water. Once you are confident and relaxed with the equipment and your breathing, then your Dive Master will take you for your underwater tour. Depending on your ease and enjoyment underwater, your dive can be as deep as 30 feet (9 meters) and last for as long as 30 minutes.

    You will have time for lunch after the dive, and you can go snorkeling in the afternoon before heading back to Manila.


This adventure is offered throughout the year. Contactez-nous pour planifier votre Tour Privée.


USD 220,00 par personne


  • Private transportation from Manila to Anilao and back.
  • Introductory dive with use of all necessary equipment.


  • Food and beverage
  • Travel insurance.


  • This is NOT a diving lesson. You will not know how to dive after this experience. To learn how to dive you need to take diving lessons.
  • You cannot dive if you have any of the following conditions:
  • Asthma
  • Epilepsy
  • Heart problem
  • Diabetes with insulin therapy
  • The list of contraindications to diving is long. Please let us know in the customer information sheet if you have any other health condition.
  • Respect the marine environment. Our dive masters are VERY strict about marine protection and will not tolerate any destruction or abuse of marine life or habitat. To be safe, appreciate with your eyes and not your hands. This will also keep you from inadvertently touching a venomous creature.
  • Be aware of your flight schedule – do not dive within 24 hours before a flight.
  • Vaccination contre la fièvre jaune est obligatoire pour entrer aux Philippines si vous venez d'un pays infectés de fièvre jaune&nbsap;; si vous n'êtes pas, cette vaccination est pas nécessaire. Les vaccinations suivantes sont recommandées :
    • Hépatite A et B
    • Typhoïde
    • Encéphalite japonaise
    • Rougeole, oreillons, rubéole

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